If you’re wanting to lose weight and tone up which I suspect is almost EVERYONE reading this…


You’re quite likely doing it wrong.


1. To lose weight you need to create a calorie DEFICIT.


Which means you need to BURN more calories than you consume.


2. To tone up you need build lean MUSCLE tissue to give you’re body definition.


Aaaaand THIS is where many go wrong.


In order to tone up and build that muscle you NEED to be eating enough protein which I suspect a very large number of you don’t!


If you want to know exactly WHY you need protein, HOW much you need and WHERE you can get it from…


It was all in Monday’s blog.


Click below if you missed it:



If you did read Monday’s blog, I’d love to know how you’re getting on.


Did you calculate how much protein you need?

Are you recording your intake?
Are you hitting your target?


If you’re struggling to get enough protein from whole, natural foods there’s always other ways to boost your intake.


Protein Shakes


QUICK and easy.


I usually opt for MyProtein’s Impact Whey as it’s decent quality and a reasonable price.


My fave is vanilla flavour.



Protein Bars


Another great option although more expensive than protein powder.


My favourite without a doubt is Grenade Bars which you can find on Amazon for about £20 for a pack of 12.


Caramel Chaos, Fudgie Brownie and Banana Armour all the way : )


You can tell I’m a fan!



Aaaand then there’s also this.


Protein Water


Here’s my verdict, lol.



Hope you enjoy the rest of the week and more importantly,


I hope you step up your protein game.

Lee ‘also known to eats other foods’ Donald x



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