I’m gonna jump straight to it today and sprinkle a little Monday motivation!!
Because in less than 17 weeks, 2024 is going to land and sh*t is beginning to get real.
That means, you’ve had pretty much 36 weeks to back your chat and achieve all the things you promised yourself this year.
How’s that been working out for you?
If your thinking…
Hmm Lee, not that well and I’m pretty much in the same place, doing the same thing, expecting different results – be honest.
Please keep reading.
There is STILL a solid 16 weeks to go!!
But and it’s a BIG but.
Whatever your goals are, it all starts with YOU and an effort to take small steps each day to create that change.
Because nobody is coming….no-one.
✅ Nobody is coming to do your workouts for you.
✅ Nobody is coming to tell you to turn the tv off and get to sleep.
✅ Nobody is coming to plan or make your meals so you eat healthier.
✅ Nobody is coming to tell you take control of your life and make your happiness a priority.
There is no cheat code.
How you live your life and the progress you make is 100% your responsibility and down to your effort.
An uncomfortable but true statement.
But here’s the GOOD news.
You don’t have to do it alone.
If you’d like to lose weight, keep it off and ditch dieting forever.
If you’d like to spend less time, getting better results and actually enjoy your workouts without needing a gym membership.
If you’d like to build your confidence and a more positive mindset so you can have a healthier relationship with food, yourself and everyone else to live a happier life.
Whether it’s through Personal Training, my exclusive women only fitness classes, The MAX Experience or a fully personalised 6 week nutrition plan – I’d love to help.
Just drop me a message saying ‘MORE INFO’ and we can get that progress ball rolling.
I’m usually always fully booked for Personal Training, however currently have training times become available – these will no doubt go quick so please act fast if you’re interested.
Do not wait till you feel motivated or for the ‘perfect time’ – you’ll be waiting forever.
The ‘best time’ you can possibly improve your body, mental health and happiness is always now.#
And hey,
Just to say thank you and because I appreciate you reading this far, here’s 2 super tasty high protein dessert recipes which I shared inside The MAX Experience last week.
Lemon Protein Ice Cream
Mint Choc Protein Mousse
Enjoy and let me know what you think.
Lee ‘here to help you finish 2024 strong’ Donald x
Facebook – Lee Donald Personal Training
Twitter @ LeeDonaldElite
Instagram @ leedonald
Pinterest – LeeDonald LDPT
Youtube – Lee Donald Personal Training