I hope you’re having a great week.   How did you get on with my FREE, jelly belly blasting 10min workout video on Monday?   Try it yet?   If you missed it, don’t worry.   Check it out here: www.ldpt.co.uk/22000-crunches-or-this/   Today, I just wanted to give you a heads up.   There’ll be…

Holy Macaroni – How AMAZING is our weather recently?   From BBQ’s, outdoor fitness classes, hitting beer gardens, having fun at the park, laying out in the back garden, topping up the tan.   The finer weather can bring an INCREDIBLE amount of happiness to people.   Buuuut it can also trigger some pretty uncomfortable,…

Ok, I’ll be waiting a few days to crack open that bottle of bubbly but I just wanted to share some EXCITING news with you.   Lee Donald Personal Training will officially be 7 years old this Saturday!   Looking back, it’s crazy to think it all started from my mum’s living room with ONE…

Hands up if you’ve been on a diet?   Hands up if you’re STILL trying to shift those extra pounds?   If you’re hands are up then make sure you keep reading because I’m about to drop a truth bomb and reveal some of the BIGGEST myths why you’re not losing fat.   The reason…

I hope you’re having a great week.   After an AMAZING long w/e with my family and taking some time out, I’m BUZZING to be back in the office.   Call me crazy but I love my job and I LOVE helping people like you feel happier in yourself.   Aaaaand as promised, I have…

If someone asked you to strut your stuff in your beachwear RIGHT NOW   – How would you feel?   Yuuup that’s us…   May Bank Holiday and officially 5 months into the year, warmer weather settling in and Summer months on the way.   Now is usually the time people start to THINK about…


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