I hope you’re having a great week.
How did you get on with my FREE, jelly belly blasting 10min workout video on Monday?
Try it yet?
If you missed it, don’t worry.
Check it out here:
Today, I just wanted to give you a heads up.
There’ll be no usual blog on Monday.
There’s now officially only 3 sleeps till Scotland’s Business Awards National Grand Final 2018!
It’s SOLD OUT and their biggest one yet with 550 businesses from around Scotland attending.
Each business having WON their Regional going head to head to see who’s the best of the best.
And Lee Donald Personal Training is inline for ‘Best Fitness Business’ – Oh Myyy!!
Yeah, not gonna lie – I was fine last week but now pretty nervous, lol.
Me, my mum and 6 of ‘my girls’ who are part of my Fitfam will be heading down to Glasgow on Sunday morning before the event kicks off @ 6pm in the evening.
Champagne reception, the chance to mingle and network with other finalist, 3 course meal and of course, the all important awards.
Win or lose – it’s certainly going to be an INCREDIBLE night to remember.
To simply be a finalist is a major achievement.
Having made it this far last year – I know what it feels like to lose.
But it made me come back 10x stronger and hoping this time to experience success.
Whatever the outcome, I’ll be letting everyone on my social media know as soon as I can.
I’ll also be posting pictures and videos of our awards adventures so if we’re not already…
Check out my social media channels at the bottom of this blog and let’s get connected.
As it’s a ‘school night’, I’ll still be in Glasgow on Monday morning which is why, my apologies, I won’t be sending any emails.
I’ll also quite likely be hungover!! lol.
I won’t be blogging till next Thursday but stay tuned as I’ll be filling you in on all the juicy details.
Until then, enjoy this awesome tip of the day : )
How To Lose Weight & Eat Squashies.
If you’re a Squashie lover like me, this is a BIG game changer.
Lee ‘preparing to put her frock and heels on’ Donald x
Facebook – Lee Donald Personal Training
Twitter @ LeeDonaldElite
Instagram – LeeDonald
Pinterest – LeeDonald LDPT
Youtube – Lee Donald Personal Training