I hope you had a great weekend and enjoyed the sunshine – a fab taster of what’s hopefully to come.
With only 5 weeks till Summer officially lands, it’s a super exciting, however for many, a super stressful time.
I feel fat.
I need to cover my arms.
My belly’s so big right now.
I can’t wear that because of X,Y,Z
I hate my legs.
It’s too tight, you can see my ‘rolls’
Sound familiar?
We can be extremely critical of our self when we look in the mirror.
But, not being happy with how you look & feel affects EVERYTHING.
** You mood.
** Your relationship with other people.
** Your relationship with food.
** Your relationship with yourself.
** Your confidence going out, taking to people, trying new things.
Literally, your EVERY day life.
When you look good.
When you feel good.
When you have energy, confidence and self love.
The world is a completely different place.
The challenges you face become much easier to overcome.
Your relationships grow, you think more positive and simply live a healthier, happier life.
If you’re a woman who can relate to all this, are not happy with how you look & feel and would like some help.
This opportunity couldn’t come at a better time!!
You may or may not have noticed, I never promote or advertise my Personal Training services.
This is because I’ve been pretty much fully booked for Personal Training since 2011 when LDPT was born.
However, someone who’s been with me 9 years (crazy huh?) is going travelling therefore no longer able to train.
This means, I now have a couple training times available!!
Depending on availability/demand, I may open a further 2 training times as I really want to help as any women as I can.
If you’re someone who’d like to work with me 1-2-1 to:
🔥 Lose weight so you feel more comfortable in your clothes.
🔥 Become stronger so you can take on whatever comes your way.
🔥 Get fitter to improve your health, make you live longer and help you run upstairs without breathing out your butt.
🔥 Boost your confidence so you can hold your head high anywhere you go and not feel self conscious naked.
🔥 Have more energy to keep up with your kids and fast pace of life.
🔥 Improve your mental health and mindset so you think more positively.
🔥 Or simply just feel happier in yourself.
Please get in touch and I’ll send you more info.
Just a heads up.
🤷♀️ If you’re looking for the cheapest Personal Trainer in town – that’s not me.
🏆 If you’re looking for a multi-award winning Personal Trainer with 11 years experience in the industry, a long track record of helping women transform their bodies, mindset & fitness, achieve incredible things and most importantly, someone who has a genuine passion to help you succeed – that’s most definitely me!
Training times are between Mon-Fri and 9am-12.30pm only.
Training is on a weekly basis.
If Personal Training isn’t something that you’re looking for then perhaps my fitness classes or online members area The MAX Experience may be of interest.
Either way,
If you’ve read this far into my blog.
I’d just like to say thank you and here’s a cheeky chocolate chip, cookie dough, protein ball recipe to show my appreciation.
Super easy to make and perfect for a snack at work or to grab ‘on the go’.
3 scoops vanilla protein powder
1 cup oats
1/2 cup cashew butter
1/4 cup chocolate chips
1 tsp vanilla extract
1/4 cup of milk (any kind)
1. Mix all dry ingredients including the vanilla extract together and mix well.
2. Add milk slowly until mixture is sticky and able to roll into balls.
(I actually ended up using 1/2 cup of milk last time).
3. Roll spoonfuls of the mixture into balls and vóila.
Recipes makes 10 balls…apparently.
I made 12 so I guess my balls weren’t quite big enough : (
Store in the fridge so they don’t melt.
Enjoy and if you give the recipe a try, I’d love to know what you think.
Lee ‘small balls’ Donald x
Facebook – Lee Donald Personal Training
Twitter @ LeeDonaldElite
Instagram – LeeDonald
Pinterest – LeeDonald LDPT
Youtube – Lee Donald Personal Training