Think I got lost?
Apologies there was no usual Monday blog!
Perhaps you’re so busy you didn’t even notice – no offence taken, lol.
Anyway, I was out the office for weekend break to Edinburgh visiting my Dad with the fam.
Aaand it got me thinking all about holidays.
Did you go on Holiday this year?
Were you in shape for your holiday?
How did you feel being in your swimwear?
How many years have you promised yourself you’ll get in shape for your holidays?
How many times have you broken this promise and felt crap?
How many times has it been because you tried a quick fix and it didn’t work?
How many times was it because you said ‘I don’t have time’?
How many more holidays will it take before you take action and do something?
Have you got a plan in place?
Are you aware we’re over half way through the year?
Have you considered that if you don’t get going now you’ll feel the same at Christmas?
The same in January?
And you’ll still be stuck in the same place next Summer?
That’s 2020 and whole year away!
Time is ticking and EVERY day, week, month, year you don’t take action.
That’s another day, week, month, year of NOT feeling your happiest.
Not feeling your strongest, fittest, healthiest.
And just not living the life you really want.
If you’d like to DO something about that.
I’d love to help by giving you an invite into The MAX Experience.
My award winning online health, fitness & nutrition hub helping busy women worldwide lose weight, tone up, change their lives and once and for all feel HAPPY in themselves.
Here’s a little of what you can expect:
✅ Quick 10min home workouts
✅ Recipes with full calorie/macro breakdown
✅ Private Facebook group
✅ Live Q&A’s
✅ Weekly check ins
✅ Getting started/educational videos
✅ Unlimited support (from me personally)
✅ An awesome and super friendly community of women
✅ Plus much more
If you’ve fallen off the wagon these holidays and want a plan in place to help you get back ON it.
I’m here to help!
I’ll teach you how to make fatloss SIMPLE.
How to get incredible results by focusing on SMALL, positive changes.
How to do this while SAVING as much time as possible.
You won’t need to WASTE time going to/from a gym.
You won’t EVER need to go on a diet.
Aaaand most importantly, you won’t need to give up vodka & squashies! : )
The cost?
£19.99 p/m (no contract, you can cancel any time)
65p a day to have everything you need (including me) right at your fingertips, pffft crazy I know!!
If you’re fed up of wasting time on quick fixes, detoxes, cleanses, pills, shakes, sitting on your butt and feeling the same year after year.
Hit that sign up button and let’s start changing your life today : )
Sign me up Lee:
Lee ‘producing stronger, healthier, happier women since 2011’ Donald x
Facebook – Lee Donald Personal Training
Twitter @ LeeDonaldElite
Instagram – LeeDonald
Pinterest – LeeDonald LDPT
Youtube – Lee Donald Personal Training