I hope you had a great w/e.


Did you take some time out for yourself?


Do anything just for you?


We spend so much time thinking about others.


Taking care of others.


Putting others first.


I know Monday’s especially can be a busy day but whatever you do today.


Don’t forget to make some YOU time : )


When I posted this on my social media yesterday, it seemed to really hit home with so many people so wanted to share it incase you missed it.



To give you a little motivation.


To inject some positivity into Monday.


And mostly just to remind you (in this crazy, busy world) how important YOU are.


Your mental health

Your happiness

Your goals

Your success

Your journey

Your relationships


They all start with ‘you’.


I know particularly as a Mum, this can be incredibly challenging but taking care of yourself is part of taking care of your kids.


The better you feel.


The better you’ll be able to be that Mum you want to be, have more energy, more patience and be able to enjoy everything 10x more.


Whether it’s a relaxing bath with some music and book.


Having a workout or little stroll while the kids are at school/nursery.


Or perhaps 5mins having a cuppa in peace.


Whatever your ‘you time’ looks like.


Take it, enjoy it and never feel guilty.


Lee ‘prioritising today’ Donald x



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