Given it’s the start of a new month…


Usually I’d be coming at you with some kind of motivation, support, tips, a workout, etc to help you get on track after the Summer holidays.


However, this month is abit bananas and today, just wanted to give you heads up, incase you start thinking:


Lee, where you at?!


This Saturday 9th September, I’m headed to Ecuador to begin my high altitude volcano adventures, which as you’ll see – will need a fair but of kit for, lol.


I won’t be back until the end of September so my apologies, you won’t be hearing from me again till October!!


However, I’ll have some epic stories to share on my return


If you’re interested in hearing about my adventures – read on.


If not, no worries – I’ll be back in touch in October when normal business will resume.


If you’re still reading, check it out:


This Saturday, I’m flying into Quito (2nd highest capital in the world – 9359ft), where I will staying sporadically throughout my trip.


Unfortunately, after doing some research, it appears to be a pretty dangerous place now, overrun with Narco’s and drug gangs.



However, am hoping to go out as little as possible except for food!


Jeezo why are you choosing to go there Lee?


It’s all part of my Everest Training so a non negotiable to get experience at high altitude which includes:


Pasochoa (13,800ft)


Carihuairazo (16,464ft)


Illiniza Norte (16,818ft)


Cayambe (3rd highest summit in Ecuador – 18,996ft)


Cotopaxi (2nd highest summit in Ecuador – 19,350ft)


Sadly, Cotopaxi is currently erupting, so no access is allowed.


Chimborazo (highest summit in Ecuador – 20,550ft)


I thought Mont Blanc in June this year was the hardest thing I’d ever done , however that was just a warm up in comparison to what lies ahead!



From added dangers to high altitude, it’s going to be an extremely challenging trip and I’ll be honest, am abit nervous yet really excited for it.


It will also, most importantly, be fantastic training for Everest!


With yesterday marking the 1 year anniversary of summiting my 1st Munro and reflecting on the 17 completed since, including the highest peak in the UK, Italy & Western Europe.


It’s given me confidence that I have the right skillset, fitness and mindset to do this, I just need to hope the altitude is my friend and allows me to play the game.


Oh and my 2 injuries


I’ll be documenting my adventures as much as I can on my Instagram & Facebook, particularly my ‘stories’ (tap on my profile pic) so you can see what goes on behind the scenes.


My Facebook
My Instagram

I’ll also be sharing a ‘live link’ to my Garmin where you can track exactly where I am.


Can I make it into the ‘Less Than 20% Club’?


We’ll soon find out.


Lee ‘ready to do this’ Donald x



Facebook – Lee Donald Personal Training

Twitter @ LeeDonaldElite

Instagram – LeeDonald

Pinterest – LeeDonald LDPT

Youtube – Lee Donald Personal Training


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