Holy Moly – HOW hot is it today?


Infact it’s been pretty toasty ALL week.


So here’s 2 BIG and important questions.


How much water have you been drinking?

Are you hydrated enough?


A good place to start is at least 2 litres.


If you have an active job, exercise or add sunshine to the mix you need to be drinking even MORE to keep your body hydrated.


Yup maybe 3 or even 4+ litres (this will vary).


Either way, I can’t stress how important it is to drink enough water.


Being properly hydrated will have a MASSIVE impact on not only your fatloss but also your energy, mood, concentration and skin.


Water is also a great appetite SUPPRESSANT.


Drinking enough will help keep HUNGER at bay for as long as possible and curb those cravings.


‘How do I know if I’m drinking enough water Lee?’


If your pee isn’t particularly smelly and pretty clear then congratulations your HYDRATED.


Keep it up.


If not, get reaching for that H2O!!


And just incase you missed it.


Press play.



Aaaand a little reminder.


My ‘Sizzling Sexy Summer Competition’ is kicking off TOMORROW – Fri 29th July


To enter and find out how it can literally change your LIFE.


Head over to my Facebook Page, give it a little like and stay tuned!

Lee’s Facebook Page


It’s exclusively for women only and PERFECT for those who’d like to lose weight, boost their confidence and feel fabulous.


Lee ‘feeling hotter than a hot thing feeling hot’ Donald x



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Twitter @ LeeDonaldElite

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