Hands up…
I fell off the radar last week and didn’t blog at all.
But here’s why.
Last Monday (when I always blog), the Baby Boss officially turned 1.
How time fly’s!!
Not quite the way we would have celebrated his 1st birthday but will certainly be one to remember.
It was a crazy busy day from start to finish and usually would have still tried to send you an email but the truth is:
I didn’t want to take precious time away from my family, I was really tired and just needed to give myself a little break.
As much as I wish I was….I’m not superhuman.
Every week there’s always a fairly big list to work through.
From creating workout programs and social media content for my Facebook groups and all platforms.
Writing emails, blogs, carrying out live workouts, live support, team quiz nights.
Continuing to learn, adapt, stay positive and generally just support you, my clients, members and followers every way I can.
Along with trying to keep my family safe, look after both bosses all day, both days every w/e while my wife works.
Train hard and keep my own health and fitness on point.
Aaaand recover from a frustrating foot injury which pretty much effects ALL of the above.
Not gonna lie, it can be pretty stressful at times but something I choose to do.
Why? – that’s whole other blog, lol.
Anyway, my point is…
It’s OK if you can’t do everything.
It’s OK if you need to take a break.
It’s OK if you’re struggling to home school your kids.
It’s OK if you’re struggling to keep your house clean.
It’s OK if you don’t paint your fence, renovate your kitchen or bake every day like Karen.
It’s OK if you don’t learn a new skill or a new language.
It’s OK if you live in your pyjamas every day.
It’s OK if you don’t feel OK!
Everyone is doing their best to get through this crazy time and keep their head above water.
We may be in the same boat with regards to restrictions however we’re ALL having a very different experience.
Comparing yourself, your kids or living space to others is the fastest way to ensure you’ll never be happy!
– Keep focusing on you.
– Keep treading that water.
– Keep your head afloat.
– Keep doing the best you can each day.
– Keep telling yourself – ‘you can’.
– Keep connected with those you love and lift you up.
And keep trying to focus on the positives (however hard they may be to find).
Mental health is wealth!
Lee ‘back on the Monday blog support’ Donald x
Facebook – Lee Donald Personal Training
Twitter @ LeeDonaldElite
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Youtube – Lee Donald Personal Training