One of my FAVOURITE things about The MAX Experience is filming new workouts each month.
Yup EVERY month you can expect new content so things are always fresh and exciting.
Another favourite thing is that EVERY workout is only 10mins!!!
Aaand you don’t have to waste time driving to a congested gym.
If you’re like me, have a family, work hard and have very little time to workout.
The MAX Experience is a LIFE saver.
Personally I never workout for longer than 30mins and never been a fan of the gym so it just makes sense.
‘Ooo – sounds like something I could do Lee…’
Fantastic but heads up,
You’ve only got till tomorrow @ midnight to grab yourself place.
They’re limited, running out fast and when the doors close, they won’t open again till 2018!!
I Want In Lee
If you missed what The MAX Experience is all about:
Press Play.
Lee ‘doesn’t do gyms’ Donald x
Facebook – Lee Donald Personal Training
Twitter @ LeeDonaldElite
Instagram – LeeDonald
Pinterest – LeeDonald LDPT
Youtube – Lee Donald Personal Training