This is it.
The wait it over.
I’m excited to say:
The MAX Experience Pre/Post Natal is now OPEN.
Suitable for all pre/post natal women looking for safe & effective training, nutritional guidance and mindset support to enable them to feels as strong, confident and as happy as possible from the comfort of their own home.
1. Simply tap on the link below.
Early bird special offer:
2. Follow the prompts.
3. Secure your 50% discount.
£9.99 now – £19.99 p/m thereafter
4. And you’re in.
No contract – cancel anytime
Early bird discount available till Saturday 14th Sep @ noon or SOLD OUT.
Not pre/post natal?
Don’t worry,
I’m giving you the same crazy discount (50% off) to my already established and award winning main MAX Experience.
Helping busy women worldwide lose weight, get fitter, be stronger, eat better and feel happier without having to join a gym,
From home workouts, recipes, private Facebook group, weekly check ins, an amazing community of women, unlimited support, plus loads more.
You’ll have everything you need to help you look & feel your best right at your fingertips.
Aaaand you can test drive ALL this for a full month for less than a tenner!
Crazy, I know.
If you’d like a little help getting ready for those festive parties on the horizon.
Without having to give up squashies, vodka or any other things you enjoy.
I’ll show you how.
1. Just tap the link below.
50% Off Special Offer:
2. Follow the prompts.
3. Secure your 50% discount.
£9.99 now – £19.99 p/m thereafter
4. And you’re in.
No contract – cancel anytime.
Early bird discount available till Saturday 14th Sep @ noon or SOLD OUT.
The Catch?
As mentioned both these special offers are LIMITED so a good idea to get in there quick.
If you click on either link and it doesn’t work – discounted places have sold out.
You’ll still get access and find a sign up link on my Facebook Page (Lee Donald Personal Training) however it will be full price.
To be honest, at £19.99 p/m (no contract/cancel anytime) it’s still incredible value for money!
But if you like grabbing fabulous discounts just make sure you hit the relevant sign up link above and let’s get your journey started.
Lee ‘ready to welcome you onboard’ Donald x
Facebook – Lee Donald Personal Training
Twitter @ LeeDonaldElite
Instagram – LeeDonald
Pinterest – LeeDonald LDPT
Youtube – Lee Donald Personal Training