Bloated, tired, fluffier round the edges, feelings of GUILT and that instant PANIC of not knowing the best way to get back in shape for the the new year.
Yuuup that standard post-Christmas feeling that let’s face it…
Happens EVERY year is never an enjoyable one.
I get it.
It’s HARD to stay on track especially over the festive period.
All the parties, cocktails, champers, mince pies and other waistline EXPANDING yumminess.
That’s exactly why I’m going to offer you a BIG chance to make this year more enjoyable, less stressed and different to all your others.
Heck, I’m even going to help you SAVE money at the same time!!
Sounds AMAZING but how is this going to happen Lee?
Press Play : )
As promised, for more info about The MAX Experience:
Click below:
If you’d like to be part of The LDPT Network, you can sign up for FREE @ www.ldpt.co.uk
I’ll then personally keep you updated with what you need to do and when to make sure you don’t miss out.
Aaaand I’ll also send you that PRE-REGISTRATION link directly to your inbox on Monday 4th December.
So all YOU will have to do is hit the button before places are sold out.
If you’ve got any questions, please just ask.
ENJOY the festivities and stay tuned : )
Lee ‘loves it when a plan comes together’ Donald x
Facebook – Lee Donald Personal Training
Twitter @ LeeDonaldElite
Instagram – LeeDonald
Pinterest – LeeDonald LDPT
Youtube – Lee Donald Personal Training