I hope you’re having a good week.
Hopefully you also read my blog on Monday and heard the exciting news!!
My fitness classes BodyMax Blast & BodyMax are making a comeback – woop woop.
I promised, I would let you know important info today on how/when you can book as well as reveal BodyMax’s NEW location.
If you’re not female or interested in any fitness classes, please just ignore this blog and have a great day : )
If you’re a woman who lives in Aberdeen who’d like some support & motivation to set yourself up for Summer.
To shift those lockdown pounds, get fitter and feel happier in yourself aaaand most importantly ENJOY the process.
Keep reading.
Booking Opens:
Monday 10th May @ 7pm.
Limited Availability.
First come, first served.
Classes sold out super fast last time but don’t worry, if you’re part of The LDPT Network – I’ll be delivering the booking link directly to your inbox on Monday 10th @ 6pm, an hour BEFORE it’s released on my social media.
Just head to my website www.ldpt.co.uk to sign up for FREE or set a reminder and stay tuned to my social so you don’t miss out!
BodyMax classes are sooo much more than just fitness classes.
Private Facebook group, Hall of Fame’s, trophies, earning free classes, raffles, fun challenges, epic social events and an amazing community of women.
It’s exactly what women need right now and I can’t wait to bring it all back!!
Here’s where it’s happening:
BodyMax Blast
Craigiebuckler Scout Hut
Monday @ 5.45-6.16pm
Sheddocksly Community Centre – NEW location!
Thursday @ 6-7pm
If you’d like to join the fun, then get excited and keep posted.
Please feel free to share this with any friends who may be interested.
Lee ‘preparing to launch’ Donald x
Facebook – Lee Donald Personal Training
Twitter @ LeeDonaldElite
Instagram – LeeDonald
Pinterest – LeeDonald LDPT
Youtube – Lee Donald Personal Training