That means you have 217 days to hit your goals you set for 2015.
Still waiting for Monday or a few weeks before your hols?
When IS that ‘perfect time’ to get in the best shape of your life?
Here’s my Top 6 Tips to get started:
1. Re-evaluate Your Expectations.
Reality is, there is NO perfect time and there NEVER will be.
2. Carve Out That Time.
Nobody will GIVE that time to you.
You need to take it.
3. Just Start.
Find the smallest possible thing you can do RIGHT NOW, in the next 5 minutes and just do it.
Make it simple like booking yourself in to a new fitness class.
Check out my BodyMax, BodyMax Blast & BodyMax Burn classes at www.ldpt.co.uk
Drop me a text for more info / to book your place.
BOOM now you’ve started!
4. You Only Have To Get Through The Moment.
The moment of starting will be the hardest.
Luckily, it won’t last long!!
5. Expect Resistance.
It’s normal.
PUSH through it.
Resistance doesn’t mean it won’t work, it just means you’re finding your way.
6. Get Support.
Whether it’s a friend, family member, colleague or workout buddy find someone to FIRE up your rocket boosters until you can fly on your own.
STILL waiting for that ‘perfect time’?!
Follow the simple tips above and IMAGINE what you can do in 31 weeks??!
And with only a few more days of the ‘Mental May’ Challenge left, you’re going to be in the BEST possible mindest to MAKE those goals happen.
If you missed it, check it out
I’d looooove to hear what you’ve thought of this challenge so please Facebook book me, Tweet me or just ping an email back.
If you can feel mentally stronger in just ONE month times that by 7 and THAT is how you’ll be kicking off 2016….Just sayin.
Lee ‘imagining the possibilities’ Donald x
Facebook – Lee Donald Personal Training
Twitter @ LeeDonaldElite
Instagram – LeeDonald
Pinterest – Lee Donald LDPT
Youtube – Lee Donald (LDPT)