I hope you’re having a great week.


January can be a super exciting month but equally it can also be a STRESSFUL month.


With lots of unnecessary pressure to achieve your goals and people shouting about how to live your best life in 2019 so…


I just thought I’d share some things I’ve learned, that have helped me make progress and get where I am today both physically and mentally.


Hope you find it helpful.


1. Forget fad diets, you’ll be in the same place next year with less money in your pocket


2. Be patient and consistent, results don’t happen overnight


3. Weightloss requires ONE thing – a calorie deficit


4. Never underestimate yourself


5. Be kind to others


6. Water is life, get it down you


7. Don’t compare yourself to others, it never ends well


8. Celebrate your successes no matter how small


9. 1 bad meal won’t make you fat


10. 1 healthy meal won’t make you thin


11. Exercise is awesome for both your mental and physical health – do it daily


12. Surround yourself with people who make you smile and feel good about yourself


13. It’s ok to have a ‘bad day’


14. If you fall off the wagon, skip the pitty party and get back on it asap


15. Split your goals into small bitesize ones


16. If nothing changes – nothing changes


17. It’s ok to be a beginner


18. Mindset is everything


19. Write shit down, you’re 10x more like to get it done


20. Planning is always key


21. Start the day with a positive thought


22. Excuses affect nobody else apart from you


23. Carbs are friends just like protein & fat


24. Sleep is essential, make sure you get enough


25. You won’t always feel motivated and that’s ok – just stick to the plan and get what you need done (see point 19)


26. Anger is like drinking your own poison, the only person it hurts is you


27. Always hold your head high


28. Stressing about things you can’t control is wasted energy and changes nothing


29. Challenge yourself daily


30. Failures are opportunities to learn, never give up


31. Accountability is a powerful motivator


32. There’s no such thing as good/bad food, it’s just food


33. Do more of what makes you happy


34. Life’s too short to only live for the w/e’s, if you’re not happy mon-fri change that


35. Moderation and common sense will always prevail


36. Make yourself a priority, nobody else will do this for you


37. Time is the most valuable thing you own, don’t waste it


38. Being thinner doesn’t instantly = happiness


39. If you have air in your lungs, it’s never too late


40. Being a mum is the biggest yet most rewarding challenge in the world


41. Knowledge is only power alongside action


42. You’re body, health, happiness & life are a direct result of the choices you make


43. Yolo – make it the best you can


44. Even the most successful people need a support network


45. Never let anyone tell you – you can’t!


Here’s to a stronger, happier 2019


Lee ‘excited for what’s to come’ Donald x



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