Hands up if you were hungover at the w/e?
Hands up if you weren’t hungover but had a drink?
Hands up if you’re still struggling with your fatloss goals?
If you put your hand up TWICE we may have just found a solution to your problem.
It’s shouldn’t really come as a suprise that alcohol + fatloss are not a great combo.
But rather than saying ‘don’t drink it’s bad’ here’s some facts so you can make your own mind up.
The Pros of Alcohol Consumption
1. Small to moderate consumption of red wine has been associated with having SOME health benefits.
2. A SMALL percentage of alcohol actually gets converted to fat.
The Cons of Alcohol Consumption
1. Alcohol is known to inhibit FAT OXIDATION which basically STOPS your body from burning existing fat.
Since fat is your number one energy source during rest, you’re basically storing MORE fat when you drink.
2. Alcohol converts testosterone into oestrogen.
EXCESS levels of oestrogen which is what gives you that stubborn belly fat – This applies for BOTH men and women.
3. According to some studies a mere 3 ounces of alcohol can reduce your body’s fat burning ability by 1/3.
4. Alcohol gets metabolized by your liver into two toxic compounds, ACETALDEHYDE & MALONDIALDEHYDE.
5. Acetaldehyde is the same chemical found in cigarette smoke, car exhaust and is a known CARCINOGEN and has been linked to many organ DISEASES.
It’s also the nasty chemical that supposedly causes your hangovers.
6. Malondialdehyde is a POTENT free radical and causes excessive oxidative DAMAGE to your body.
7. Alcohol is further metabolized in the liver into acetate, which gets burned BEFORE any other calories.
This means that any EXCESS calories, like the calamari or chips you had along with your drink doesn’t get utilized and gets stored as FAT instead.
8. Your body can only process 0.5 to 1 ounce of alcohol per hour.
And since it takes precedence over anything else your liver takes up all of its time and energy trying to metabolize it.
Anything more overwhelms your liver and essentially HALTS your normal metabolic functions like burning FAT.
You get the picture….
If you’re serious about dropping bodyfat you really need to eliminate alcohol or seriously moderate your intake.
We’re all human and I have to confess after my sister’s birthday celebrations on Saturday I didn’t feel too clever yesterday.
So if you choose to drink on those SPECIAL OCCASIONS, there’s a few things you can do to put in some damage limitation:
1. Drink WATER along with your beverage of choice to avoid dehydration and drinking as much.
2. Drink SLOWLY, ideally one drink per hour so your body has time to metabolize the alcohol and minimize putting too much STRESS on your liver.
3. Don’t EAT while you’re drinking.
All the calories being consumed while you’re drinking pretty much goes right to your beer belly and man boobs for men and for women a larger belly, wider hips and thicker thighs.
4. Those fancy named drinks that taste more like dessert than alcohol are the WORST to drink.
Super HIGH in empty calories, they’ll sky rocket your insulin levels and is sure to give you a wicked HANGOVER.
5. Have a high intensity workout (even if it’s just 10mins) before you start drinking so you’re body’s in full fat-burning mode.
These are just some facts and tips, at the end of the day it’s YOUR body, YOUR life.
But YOUR body is evidence of the decisions you make so if you’re not happy with it you need to start making better choices.
You can listen to theeee BEST advice I could give you today by clicking on the link below (takes 60secs):
Oh and how’s your ‘Mental May’ Challenge going?
If you missed it, click here:
My positive thought this morning:
‘Today I choose to learn from yesterday, live for today, grow stronger by tomorrow’
Lee ‘willing you to succeed’ Donald x
Facebook – Lee Donald Personal Training
Twitter @ LeeDonaldElite
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Pinterest – Lee Donald LDPT
Youtube – Lee Donald (LDPT)
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