BOOOOOM – It’s landed!!
We’re now officially in the thick of the festive period.
How do I know this?
Because the super long, RIDICULOUSLY expensive yet annoying INTRIGUING adverts are on our TV screens.
From John Lewis tugging at your heart, Sainsburys giving us Mog and M&S teasing us with all their yummy food it’s all rather exciting.
So should you enjoy the festive period? – Absolutely.
But if you’re not careful, the festive period can DESTROY all the hardwork and progress you’ve made so far.
From mince pies (my guilty pleasure) and party food to ‘fat juice’ (aka alcohol) it can ALL have a serious impact on your health, love handles and happiness.
Good job I’ve got a super EXCITING new project in the pipeline which is going to come to your rescue!!
From playing with the idea to production it’s been over a YEAR in the making so needless to say I can’t WAIT to share it with you.
I’m going to be giving an EXCLUSIVE taster to The LDPT Network next Monday.
This project is going to be available WORLD WIDE and YOU can be the very FIRST to see what it’s all about.
If you’re not part of The LDPT Network make sure you head over to my website www.ldpt.co.uk and sign up.
You don’t want to miss it so stay tuned!!
Here’s a few cheeky clues I posted at the w/e:
In the meantime,
If you live in Aberdeen…
Do YOU have one of these?
If YOU were one of the AMAZED people last week who couldn’t believe the AWESOME results Katy was getting with her 6 Week Nutrition Plan
You can check out Katy’s wicked week 1 progress pics on my social media – come say hello and let’s connect.
If YOU want to experience amazing results too, here’s how:
Lee ‘preparing to launch’ Donald x
Facebook – Lee Donald Personal Training
Twitter @ LeeDonaldElite
Instagram – LeeDonald
Pinterest – LeeDonald LDPT
Youtube – Lee Donald Personal Training