If you celebrated Halloween you may just be feeling that post Halloween ‘HANGOVER’ from all those ‘treats’ and booze.
Perhaps you’re onboard that ‘GUILT TRAIN’ thinking you ‘shouldn’t have eaten this’ or ‘shouldn’t have drank that’.
Guess what? – Oooops too late!
It happened, there’s NOTHING you can do to change it so lets move FORWARD and focus on what you CAN change.
If you DID go a little crazy, over indulged, ate too much, drank too much and not feeling your ‘freshest’ today you need some MOTIVATION and a WICKED WORKOUT to get you back on track.
And I’ve got your back.
If you’re in Aberdeen and want to FEEL confident and look your BEST for all those festive parties coming up let’s BLAST your body into full FATBURNING mode in just 30mins.
Here’s how:
If you don’t live in Aberdeen, don’t worry I’ve still got your back!
Here’s an AWESOME full throttle FATLOSS workout, that even if you’re super BUSY and live on the other side of the world, you can still get down to:
Equipment – Nada
Time – 10 mins
30secs Squat Jumps
10secs Squat Hold
30secs Pushups
10secs Plank Hold
30secs Burpees
10 secs High Knees
Repeat 5 times.
And if you’re up for an extra challenge and BONUS workout…
Here’s one of the MyProtein Ambassador Challenge’s I took on last week.
It’s part of a competition (I’ll find out soon if I’ve been shortlisted, fingers crossed) but it’s a pretty cool ‘FINISHER’ to add to any of your workouts or tool to use to assess your PROGRESS.
Time to beat (with good form): 1 min 28
My time: 1 min 16
20 Mountain Jumps.
20 Lunges
20 Ab Bikes
10 Burpees
10 Squat Jumps
Check it out:
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I’d LOVE, love to hear what YOU think of this challenge, your time and how you got on.
Aaaand more importantly, which is the best pumpkin!! lol (see pic).
Whatever you do today, it’s the 1st Monday of the month so let’s inject some POSITIVITY and get November rockin’!!
Lee ‘clearly the best pumkin carver’ Donald x
Facebook – Lee Donald Personal Training
Twitter @ LeeDonaldElite
Instagram – LeeDonald
Pinterest – LeeDonald LDPT
Youtube – Lee Donald Personal Training