Fire jumping, spear throwing, barrell carrying, barbed wire crawling, hills for daaaaays and potential endless burpees.
Oooft, this w/e is going to be a challenge and HALF.
On Saturday I’ll be competing in my FIRST ever Spartan race and have to say am rather excited and nervous all in one.
I’ll be racing others my age over 12-16km of unforgiving terrain with around 30 obstacles between us and the finish line.
Sheeesh it seems even crazier typing it out loud.
Why exactly would you want to do this Lee?
(and pay to do it! lol)
Because when you set yourself a CHALLENGE of any kind.
* It gives you focus.
* Boosts your motivation.
* Keeps things exciting.
* Makes you work harder.
Aaaand it feels INCREDIBLE when you complete it.
If you’d love some extra motivation, excitement and an amazing sense of achievement.
My fitness classes are the perfect place to start.
And it gets even better,
Grab my ‘Sizzling September Special Offer’ and get your 1st class for FREE.
* Vaild til 28th Sep
* Booking required
* Exclusively women only
Check out what happened to Katie & Anne (picture above) when they chose to join The BodyMax Network and challenge themselves.
If you’re ready to get back into a routine after the hols.
To get yourself in the best shape possible for those Christmas parties.
And to do what you’ve been promising yourself for YEARS.
Just get in touch and we can get the ball rolling.
For more info about my BodyMax Blast (mon), BodyMax (wed) & BodyMax Burn (fri) classes:
Click here:
Lee ‘loves a challenge’ Donald x
Facebook – Lee Donald Personal Training
Twitter @ LeeDonaldElite
Instagram – LeeDonald
Pinterest – LeeDonald LDPT
Youtube – Lee Donald Personal Training