I hope you had a great w/e.


More importantly.


How are you feeling?


Sooo many people are feeling tired and run down at the moment.




2 words.


Sleep & Stress.


Sleep is a MASSIVE game player in fighting the lurgy/stress and essential to help your body restore balance and keep your immune system in tact


If you get enough quality sleep of around 7-9 hours then congratulations you can ‘tick’ the sleep box.




If you’re going to bed late, don’t sleep well and get up early (I suspect this applies to many especially parents).



This includes the weekends too!


It’s going to have a SERIOUS impact not only on your ability to fight the lurgy but also energy, mood and fatloss.


Add stress to the mix because let’s face it, on a scale of 1-10


(1 = lowest, 10 = highest)


I bet most people reading this are at least a 5.


Stress has an ENORMOUS negative effect the body and again completely destroys your immune system.


Crank those stress levels up with Christmas festivities, accompanied by lack of sleep, poor food choices and alcohol


BOOM – Lurgy central!!



So HOW can you fight back?


Here’s 6 simple ways to help you sleep more, stress less and boost your immune system.


1. Go to bed at the same time


Having an evening routine and going to bed at the same time each night will help train your body and brain to know when it’s time to wind down and sleep.


It’ll also improve your sleep quality, boost your immune system, energy and mood.


2. Eat nutritious foods


Think fruit, veg, herbs and spices rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.


Try to cut down on processed, sugary crap as this weakens your immune system and causes inflammation.


You don’t need to cut out, tis the season after all but try focus on moderation and the 80/20 rule.


80% nutritious foods – 20% flexibility.


3. Take at least 10mins out your day for you


Whether you have a quick workout, read or just sit their in silence with a cuppa this will INSTANTLY help reduce your stress levels.


4. Avoid alcohol


In a recent study, drinking higher doses of alcohol found to reduce the amount of REM sleep and resulted in a shallower sleep during the latter half of the night.


REM sleep happens about 90 minutes after we fall asleep.


It’s the stage of sleep when people dream and it’s thought to be restorative.


Disruptions in REM sleep not only depletes your immune system, it can also cause daytime drowsiness, poor concentration and increase your food cravings.


5. Make a list


With so much going at the moment, things you need to do can fly in and out of your head faster than Santa on a jet.


This can also make it all rather overwhelming.


Making a daily to-do list with the 3 most important things at the top in order of priority is a super simple way to help alleviate stress and increase your chances of getting stuff done.


6. Wash your hands regularly


Something we’ve been told constantly from all directions for the last 2 years and fairly so.


Germs, bugs and viruses (not just Covid) are EVERYWHERE and get transmitted so easily by touch.


It’s reallt easy to get complacent so make sure you keep your hands germ free by washing them often or simply use some anti-bacterial gel.


However, despite our best efforts.


Sometimes….we just get sick.


So What Do You Do?


It’s highly tempting to feel sorry for yourself, turn to ‘comfort’ foods and take your frustration out on others.



However, this will accomplish absolutely NOTHING.


Here’s 4 tips I personally use to help me get through as best I can when I’ve got the cold or feeling unwell.


** Accept the situation – it’s temporary.


** Cancel work/other commitments if necessary – your health comes first.


** Make goals and have a plan of action for when you feeling better.


** Remind yourself if you skip a workout or 2 – it’s OK.


Here’s to fighting back, sleeping better, stressing less & feeling happier.


Hope you found this useful and if you did, please share it with any friends/family who may need some help with sleep & stress this festive season.


Lee ‘always goes to bed by 10pm’ Donald x



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