I hope you’re week’s going well.


WOW doesn’t it feel like someone’s hit the Winter switch this week…unless you’re reading this from somewhere sunny and warm and in that case – lucky you!


But the goods news is…


I have a wicked fat BLASTING, calorie CRUSHING workout to not only help you get in shape and feel amazeballs but to also help crank up that HEAT.


The even BETTER news is…


You don’t need a gym or any fancy equipment.


Last week on my social media, I posted a pic of my new toys from Santa – Fitness Hurdles.


I also promised a little demo video so decided to film some exercises and make you a workout.


Obviously I’m not presuming everyone has fitness hurdles hiding behind their sofa but using anything such as water bottles (large/small) or books standing on their side will do.


Here’s your workout:


60 secs log jump.
60 secs forward jump & power squat.
60 secs log jump & burpee.
60 secs 1 forward, 1 backward run.


Rest for 60secs.
Repeat twice.


10 mins – BOOOM done!


Here’s your demo video:


Give it a go and facebook book me, tweet me or bounce an email back to let me know how it goes.


And just incase you missed my Tip of The Day yesterday…


Here’s one of my favourite healthy, cheap, quick, simple and tasty snacks.


Check it out:


If you’re on social media and want to keep up to date with all my latest tips and videos, you can find my social media channels below.


Let’s connect : )

Lee ‘loves getting new toys’ Donald x



Facebook – Lee Donald Personal Training
Twitter @ LeeDonaldElite
Instagram – LeeDonald
Pinterest – LeeDonald LDPT
Youtube – Lee Donald Donald Personal Training




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