Happy Bank Holiday Monday.
How’s your MOTIVATION today?
After having an awesome time at the SFN Expo ((Scottish Fitness & Nutrition) in Glasgow yesterday, I can tell you I’ve come back more motivated than EVER!
The level of commitment, dedication and effort some of the athletes, sponsored models, strongmen and speakers put into being the BEST they can possibly be is INCREDIBLE.
Check out some of the pics and videos on my Facebook & Instagram.
I even threw a PUNCH yesterday!! – it was caught on camera and you can see it on my Instagram.
Now I’m not saying we should all become fitness models but I AM saying if you’re prepared to put in the effort, YOUR results can be truly AMAZING too!!
Do you need to change everything overnight? – NO
It comes down to small, positive changes made on a daily basis – CONSISTENCY!!
You KNOW you are capable of this.
You KNOW you can make progress,
And you KNOW you will feel 10x happier when you do.
Bank holiday or not, YOU have a new day, new week, (almost) new month and NEW OPPORTUNITIES available to get where you want to be.
Let’s get you feeling super SEXY this September and not only get your body rockin’ but also your CONFIDENCE and POSITIVITY!!
As always, I’m here to help you all the way and TODAY I was going to give you a couple of challenges but instead I’ve decided to arm you with a 10 min HIIT, CALORIE CRUSHING bank holiday workout!!
*You can do both exercises without a step*
Exercise 1:
Exercise 2:
Option 1
Do exercise for 30 secs.
Walk, jog, sprint, high knees on spot for 30 secs (depending on level of fitness).
Repeat for 10 mins.
You can pick either exercise 1 or 2 for this OR alternate between them.
Option 2
Do exercise 1 for 40 secs – Rest 20 secs.
Do exercise 2 for 40 secs – Rest 20 secs.
Repeat for 10 mins.
Option 3
Simply add any or both exercises to your current workout plan (3 sets of 10 reps).
You now have SEVEN possible workout combinations!!
I’m giving you options & opportunities….it’s up to YOU if you take them.
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I’d LOVE to hear how your workout goes : )
Workout SORTED, if you need help with your nutrition I’ve got you covered too:
This weeks affirmation:
Lee ‘Mrs Motivator’ Donald x
Facebook – Lee Donald Personal Training
Twitter @ LeeDonaldElite
Instagram – LeeDonald
Pinterest – LeeDonald LDPT
Youtube – Lee Donald Personal Training