Happy Monday to you!!
Yes it may be wet, wintery and blowing a hooley today but so what…
If you let the weather decide your happiness or positivity you’ll never reach your goals!
As you may remember I was in Ireland over the w/e doing Tough Mudder (20km SAS Assault Course) and maaaaan was it tough but it also inspired me to write today’s email.
If you don’t know what Tough Mudder is then check out this video:
How can MY experience help YOU?
Do YOU surround yourself with like-minded positive people?
Do YOU have a support network?
Do YOU challenge yourself daily?
These 3 questions are crucial to YOUR success.
At Tough Mudder there’s an ENORMOUS amount of camaraderie and support from people all over the world and who you’ve never even met before.
Whether you’re trying to get up ‘Everest’,
Get stuck in the ‘Boa Constrictor’,
Struggling to get over the ‘Glory Blades’
Fall flat in your face after ‘Electric Shock Therapy’
When a stranger lends you their hand to help…..it feels truly amazing!
To have people help you doesn’t mean you’ve failed – it just means you don’t have to do it on your own.
My team and I began as a threesome and after only a few mins were talking to someone competing alone after being ditched by his friends and we finished as a foursome – it was awesome!
If you haven’t already liked my Facebook ‘LIKE PAGE’
(Lee Donald Personal Training) then head over there as I’ll be posting lots of pics later : )
Support is an essential part of life whether it’s fitness, family or even business related.
Who is YOUR support team?
Whether it’s your family, friends or work colleagues…
Use them to help YOU reach success and be there to help THEM – you’ll be amazed at the results!
Ditch the people who hold you back.
Who don’t want to see you succeed.
Who are jealous of your success.
Who are negative.
(sadly there are lots of people who surround us like this).
As we know life is short so make it as happy as you can and keep moving forward.
Daily SUPPORT, POSITIVITY and CHALLENGES is all it takes.
(if it doesn’t challenge you, it won’t change you).
Have a fantastic week!!
Lee ‘hitting goals whatever the weather’ Donald x
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