I hope you had a great w/e.
Have you tried my super tasty, top secret recipe yet?
If you missed it, don’t worry – check it out below.
Lee’s Top Secret Recipe:
Today, I just have some questions for you.
Did you go on Holiday this year?
Were you in shape for your holiday?
How did you feel being in your swimwear?
How many years have you promised yourself you’ll get in shape for your holidays?
How many times have you broken this promise and felt crap?
How many times has it been because you tried a quick fix but it didn’t work?
How many times was it because you said ‘I don’t have time’?
How many more holidays will it take before you take action and do something?#
Have you got a plan in place?
Are you aware we’re over half way through the year?
Have you considered that if you don’t get going now you’ll feel the same at Christmas?
The same in January?
And you’ll still be stuck in the same place next Summer?
That’s 2019 and whole year away!
Time is ticking and every day, week, month, year you don’t take action.
That’s another day, week, month, year of NOT feeling your happiest.
Not feeling your strongest, fittest, healthiest.
And just not living the life you really want.
If you’d like to DO something about that.
I’d love to help by giving you an invite into The MAX Experience.
The ultimate online platform for busy women to lose weight, tone up, change their lives and once and for all feel HAPPIER in themselves.
✅ Quick 10min home workouts
✅ Nutritional guidelines
✅ Private FB group
✅ Accountability
✅ Incredible support (from me personally)
✅ An awesome and super friendly community of like-minded women.
✅ Plus much more
In the first week simply watch the 14 short videos (1-2 min) in the ‘Getting Started’ section.
They’ll make a HUGE difference just on their own.
I’ll then invite you into our private MAX Member Facebook group where you can join me personally and an amazing community of women for all the support, motivation and accountability you need.
And at any time you like from the comfort of your own home.
You can stuck into an awesome variety of 10min workouts – yes 10mins!
Time is the most VALUABLE thing you own so I’m here to help you get the best results while saving you that precious stuff!!
The cost?
£19.99 p/m (no contract, you cancel any time)
After a month, learning how to take control and make better food choices, having fun doing super short and effectively workouts anytime anywhere and being part of a Team of woman who have your back.
You can decide if you want to stay with us or not.
If you don’t love The MAX Experience then cool, nothing ventured nothing gained
(it will have cost you the price of a pizza)
If you think ‘Omg I’ve FINALLY found something that works’.
And wonder you wasted so much time on quick fixes, detoxes, cleanses, pills, shakes and sitting on your butt.
At the risk of sounding dramatic….your life will change forever!
If you think £19.99 is worth investing in yourself to find out.
Hit the sign up button and let’s get you started.
Sign me Lee!
Lee ‘producing stronger, healthier, happier women since 2011’ Donald x
Facebook – Lee Donald Personal Training
Twitter @ LeeDonaldElite
Instagram – LeeDonald
Pinterest – LeeDonald LDPT
Youtube – Lee Donald Personal Training