I hope you had a a great w/e or at least the best you could.


It’s all kinda abit weird and crazy huh?


But I hope you’re keeping well, not just physically but mentally.


This is my biggest concern for everyone.


People are losing their sh*t already.


In a bid to keep themselves busy, to try keep themselves in some sort of shape (quarantine cravings ahoy).


And to retain some sort of sanity.


There seems to be a mass panic with health & fitness right now.#


Many are buying fitness equipment like toilet roll (for the sake of it) and have no idea how to use it safely….the equipment obviously not the toilet roll, lol.


Many are looking for quick fixes to repair the damage of their over eating and vino consumption.


Where will everyone be in 3-6months?!



And worst still…


Many so called ‘health/fitness gurus’ don’t have a clue what their talking about when it comes to fitness, especially nutrition.


These people seem to be everywhere.


Your body does not need a detox (this is why you have a liver), it does not need cleansed or reset aaand you do not have a broken metabolism.


Please stay away from shakes, pills, weird teas and too good to be true promises.


But absolutely,


Building your immunity with regular exercise.


Positive habits such as planning things to reduce stress.


And not eating all the crap of the day washed down with alcohol is a great way forward.




I know that can be pretty challenging especially at the moment, which is why I’m currently offering 50% off The MAX Experience.


(my online health, fitness & nutrition hub).


** So you can learn how to ditch the diet, manage any over eating and simply take control back while being stuck at home.


I’ll teach you how to make small changes and focus on the ‘basics’ which have a BIG impact on how you feel.


The better you feel = less stressed = everyday life easier = less likely to over eat.


** So you have loads of short, fun & effective workouts right at your fingertips to keep you busy and in shape.


You don’t need fancy equipment and 10min workouts are a life saver especially if you’re like me and have kids!!


** So you have awesome recipes to perhaps cook with the family.


Perfect for something to do and don’t worry all calories, carbs, protein & fat are pre calculated so you know exactly what you’re eating.


** So you have somewhere to ‘go’ and be part of a community.


We’ve got a private Facebook group where we share laughs, celebrate ‘wins’ and tips amongst many other things.


To really help each other build the strongest, most positive mindset we can and get through this together.


A support network couldn’t be more important right now!


And to try help out, as mentioned I’ve knocked 50% off.


Meaning you can get full access for a month for only £9.99.


After that, if you decide it’s not for you – cool.


Just cancel, there’s no contract and zero risk.


But if you find it an amazing source of support, knowledge, positivity, motivation, and guidance through this pretty challenging time.


It will still only cost £19.99 thereafter.


I suspect many wouldn’t think twice about spending that on a takeaway, munchies or alcohol.


If you’d like to test drive it all for less than a tenner, just tap the link below:




And if you have any questions, please just ask.


Have a great week.


I’ll be blogging again with a fun video challenge for you on Thursday.


Infact, if you’re a fan of zoom – you can challenge your friends & family too.

Lee ‘helping prevent panic mode’ Donald x



Facebook – Lee Donald Personal Training

Twitter @ LeeDonaldElite

Instagram – LeeDonald

Pinterest – LeeDonald LDPT

Youtube – Lee Donald Personal Training


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