Beginning of a NEW month.
Around 8 weeks till those festive parties.
Countdown on till the ‘big man’ arrives.
It….is….ALL kicking off.
If you haven’t bounced back after the holidays YET.
If you haven’t dropped those extra pounds you promised yourself YET.
And if you don’t have the self confidence you hoped you would YET.
Don’t worry, I suspect you’re not alone.
Because most people make fatloss unnecessarily difficult.
They perhaps don’t know what to do or worse still…
Get sucked into detoxes, cleanses, wraps, juices and magic pills on REPEAT!
If that sounds familiar and you’re fed up of going around in circles then I’d love to help.
To show you how much EASIER it can be when you’re are armed with knowledge, train smarter and have the right kind of support.
Introducing – The MAX Experience.
My online fitness hub helping busy women change their lives and get results without stepping foot in a gym.
✅ Quick 10min home workouts
✅ Nutritional guidelines & advice
✅ Private Facebook group
✅ Accountability (check-ins/reviews)
✅ Unlimited support (from me personally)
✅ A super friendly community of like-minded women.
✅ Plus much more
The MAX Experience isn’t just about joining an awesome Team and looking good naked.
It’s about bulletproofing you with knowledge so you NEVER need to look for a ‘quick fix’ again.
So you have everything you need right at your fingertips to take control, make better choices and live a less stressful, happier life.
The best bit?
It’ll cost you 65p a day (crazy, huh?)
No contract, cancel anytime.
You can’t even by a coffee for that!
If you’d like to get incredible results and support from the comfort of your own home.
Especially with the colder days/nights and festive season on the horizon.
Join the Team here:
If you’d like a FREE feel good, ab flab blasting taster.
Grab your Trainers, press play and let’s get our sweat on.
Time: 10mins
Equipment: Nada
Lee ‘helping you beat through the BS’ Donald x
Facebook – Lee Donald Personal Training
Twitter @ LeeDonaldElite
Instagram – LeeDonald
Pinterest – LeeDonald LDPT
Youtube – Lee Donald Personal Training