I hope you’re having a great week.


As you may or may not know – yesterday was ‘World Mental Health Day’.


Such an important day to recognise as so many people struggle with mental health issues on all different levels.


I made a post on my social media yesterday about my story and got so many messages about it, I just wanted to share it with you too in the hope it can at least help one person reading this.


Having suffered from various mental health issues, a 15 year eating disorder, experienced an unhealthy relationship with alcohol, lived off Prozac, sleeping pills, seen psychiatrists, counsellors, been an outpatient at Cornhill hospital and hired a life coach…


I know what it’s like to struggle.


To be in a dark place.


To think there’s no hope.


And to think life will never get better.


For anyone feeling in the same boat…


I can hands down tell you there IS hope and it CAN get better!!


Here’s some tips I’d like to share that have helped me and hopefully may help you:


🔸Don’t be afraid to ask for help, often the hardest thing to do but the most important step to take.


🔸Be kind to yourself – nothing in the world will matter or have emotional value if you don’t love (or at least like) yourself.


🔸You matter. You’re important. The world is not a better place without you.


🔸Surround yourself with people who lift you up – positivity breads positivity.


🔸Do more of the things you enjoy.


🔸Exercise daily – without a doubt the most under-utilised anti-depressant available.


🔸Life won’t change overnight but that doesn’t mean it can’t change.


🔸It’s ok to not be ok.


🔸There’s always a light at the end of the tunnel – it just takes some us longer to reach it.


🔸Never apologise for being you.


🔸Help others – it’s amazing how this can make you feel.


🔸It’s not your fault.


🔸The only person who can truly help you – is you.


🔸Life won’t get better by chance.


🔸A support network is an essential part of recovery.


🔸Learn from yesterday, live for today, plan for tomorrow.


🔸You always have choices.


🔸A negative mind will never lead a positive life – stop focusing on the ‘bad’ things.


🔸Never underestimate what you’re capable of.


🔸 You can.


A few days after the picture above was taken,


I went on to win Scotland’s National Business Awards – ‘Best Fitness Business in Scotland 2018’.


Without a doubt the BIGGEST award of my career and monumental time in my recovery.


It was much more than just a business award for me.


It was reminder of all the lows & struggles I’d pushed through and every effort I’d put into transforming my mental health, fitness and business was and continues to be worth it.


I felt on top of the world that day.


If I can do it…you can do it.

Lee ‘always here to help’ Donald x



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