WOW…only 2 more sleeps till round 2 of Tough Mudder this year and THIS time The Brew Crew are in Yorkshire – yeehaaaa.
So needless to say, I’ve been putting alot of focus on my workouts but what about YOU?
Have YOU been working out?
Has your nutrition been on point?
Has it all gone Pete Tong?
Whatever your answer, it’s in the PAST and what I need you to focus on in the words of Fatboy Slim is
We’re at the end of yet ANOTHER month so I want you to think about what you’re going to do in AUGUST that you didn’t do in JULY…
PLAN out your meals, snacks and workouts so you’re FULL proofing your success!
And if you need abit of MOTIVATION to get that ball rolling and your eyes on the prize, check this out:
Simple, free and highly effective:
Once you’ve got EXCITED about reaching your goals, here’s what to do BEFORE you begin your workouts to make them just that little bit easier:
Now that you’re all set, here’s a workout idea to help you BURN fat and TORCH calories in the SHORTEST amount of time:
And don’t forget, when you’re getting down to it here’s a SUPER important tip to do DURING your workout:
It’s an AAAAMAZING feeling being able to put all this together, make progress and get results but what’s even MORE amazing is being able to help others do the same so here’s 3 more simple tips to help keep you track:
1. MAXIMISE your time and workouts.
2. Eat tasty, NUTRITIOUS foods.
3. Kick off the day with a positive affirmation and let’s REALLY get this show on the road!
And hey,
If you want to MAXIMISE your time, have FUN and get some serious RESULTS this coming August…
Head over to my website www.ldpt.co.uk and check out my fitness classes:
BodyMax, BodyMax Blast & BodyMax Burn
You won’t be disappointed and you DEFINITELY don’t want to miss out : )
Lee ‘ready to mudder up’ Donald x
Facebook – Lee Donald Personal Training
Twitter @ LeeDonaldElite
Instagram – LeeDonald
Pinterest – LeeDonald LDPT
Youtube – Lee Donald Personal Training