We’ve just entered into THEE most festive month of the year!!
How do YOU feel about that?
From Christmas shopping to festive gatherings it can be a pretty BUSY and STRESSFUL time.
And what’s the FIRST thing to suffer?
YUP you guessed it, you’re WAISTLINE not to mention ENERGY.
Cue colds, coughs, general feelings BLOATEDNESS and BLEUUUGH.
So I’ve got 5 super simple WAISTLINE friendly, festive tips for you BUT first…
If you’ve been reading your emails or following my social media you’ll know I’m launching an AWESOME new project called The MAX Experience very soon.
I’ve given you a few clues of what it’s about, I’ve even given you a FREE taster.
I you MISSED all that click here:
So here’s another bit of EXCITING info about it all.
The FREE taster is a bodyweight only workout – there’s MORE where that came from.
But there’s also some FUNKY and different varieties such as MAX Kettlebells, MAX Beginners and MAX 40 to give you MAXIMUM results and the best experience possible!!
I’ll be revealing WHEN you’ll be given the LAUNCH DATE on Monday aaaaand another cheeky clue so stay tuned : )
In the meantime here’s those 5 Waistline Friendly, Festive Tips to help you stay on track:
1. Opt for LOWER calorie/sugar beverages such as light white wines, light beers and spirits
– Let’s face it, it’s the festive season and MOST people are going to enjoy a wee tipple.
Put in some damage limitation and opt for ‘lighter’ drinks.
Vodka, Pellegrino (sparkling water) and fresh lime is ma fave.
2. Give yourself a ONE plate rule at all buffets
– TWO is just greedy (’nuff said).
3. Eat dinner BEFORE you go to someone’s house for drinks and nibbles
– With blood sugars on an even keel and a nicely ‘lined’ stomach you’ll be MUCH less likely to pick (instant 200-1000cal saving).
4. Keep on top of your WORKOUTS
– If you’ve got a Spree Book come BOGOF (but 1 get 1 free) at my fitness classes (available in Aberdeen)
Check it out:
– If you’ve not tried my FREE 10 min FAT blasting, BODY sculpting workout yet (available worldwide)
Grab it here:
5. DON’T store festive chocolates, shortbreads or biscuits, etc in the house
– Sounds like a simple one (and it is) but HOW many people are guilty of this, out of sight out of mind.
I hope you can put those tips into ACTION and prevent your waistline from EXPANDING this festive season but…
Just as importantly, I hope you have a jolly GOOD time : )
Lee ‘fighting the festive flab’ Donald x
Facebook – Lee Donald Personal Training
Twitter @ LeeDonaldElite
Instagram – LeeDonald
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Youtube – Lee Donald Donald Personal Training