3 shots of Tequila, 2 Yeager bombs, cocktail and a ‘healthy’ amount of Grey Goose.
Yup, if you saw my social media yesterday, you’ll know I was ‘out out’ on Saturday night with my wife and some friends and wasn’t feeling too clever yesterday.
But for very good reasons.
1. It’s been quite a while and I don’t get ‘out out’ much, lol.
2. I can’t remember the last time my wife and I both got to enjoy an evening together without the Bosses (our kids).
3. Lee Donald Personal Training will officially be celebrating 10 years in business this Wednesday 26th May.
A whole decade in the fitness industry – crazy huh?
Looking back, it really doesn’t seem that long ago I was living with my Mum, training in her lounge and trying to build my business from scratch.
No clients, no equipment and no money!!
Fast forward to today,
My own house, private fitness cabin, 16 awards (hopefully another in September), endless educational courses, qualifications, charity events, 3 trademarked fitness classes, building an online business, raising 2 beautiful Bosses, surviving a global pandemic and a whole lot of ups and downs later.
It’s been an amazing and very challenging journey both personally and professionally but I wouldn’t change it for the world.
Having overcome a 15 year eating disorder, depression, smoking and an unhealthy relationship with alcohol, I’ve majorly turned my life around.
Being able to help others like you, make positive changes to your life, however big or small is my passion and something I love doing.
Aaaand something I definitely raised all my glasses to on Saturday : )
From a business birthday to another bit of exciting news:
On 26th September this year, I’ll be heading to Edinburgh for the first ever Scottish Health & Fitness Award 2021.
This was meant to happen last year, but unfortunately got cancelled due to Covid.
However, it’s full systems go this year and I’ve been nominated for:
‘Personal Trainer of the Year’.
If you haven’t voted yet and think I deserve a chance to win.
It would mean alot to me if you could kindly spare a couple mins to vote.
And hey, if you’re able to write a sentence or 2 why – even better:
Not gonna lie, it would be amazing to win and take one home for Aberdeen!!
However, win or lose.
Celebrating 10 years in business and simply being nominated for another award is quite surreal and a HUGE achievement in itself.
Woop Woop – I feel some champers coming on!!
Just kidding, a piece of cake and cup of tea will do.
Exercise + Parenting + Hangovers = Savage, lol.
Whether you vote or not, I just want to say a massive THANK YOU!
Thank you to my clients, MAX Experience members, BodyMax fitness family, to each person who takes the time to read my blogs and everyone who’s been part of the journey.
Here’s to another 10years of helping you feel your strongest, healthiest & happiest.
Lee ‘celebrating hardwork and success’ Donald x
Facebook – Lee Donald Personal Training
Twitter @ LeeDonaldElite
Instagram – LeeDonald
Pinterest – LeeDonald LDPT
Youtube – Lee Donald Personal Training