Hands up if you love abit of bread!


If your hand is up then you’ve GOT to check out this recipe.


I’ve shared this little gem before but if you missed it or just forgot about it then time for some re-discovery cause it’s awesome.


Super quick, healthy, high in protein and EASY to make.


All you need is 3 ingredients.


I’d like to claim this is my recipe but I have to thank my friend Jim for this carbaliscious AWESOMENESS.


Tasty, fluffy and highly satisfying – thanks Jim!!


Introducing – JIM’S OAT BREAD




300g porridge oats


500g natural yoghurt


2 tsp bicarbonate soda




1. Mix all together and put in a bread tray with grease proof paper


2. Bake at 180 degrees for 1 hour


3. Let cool, slice and enjoy


If you give this a go then I’d LOVE to hear what you think of it


Lee ‘loves carbs’ Donald x


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