Busy, busy, busy!!
Who’s NOT busy right now?
Whether it’s Christmas, Easter holidays, Summer or a random week in October.
It’s ALWAYS pretty hard to carve out any time for yourself.
As a mum who single handedly runs her own business, believe me, I hear ya!
So HOW do I keep the weight off and stay in shape?
How am I getting stronger, fitter and happier every day?
Here’s my secret:
Short, high intensity workouts.
I NEVER workout for longer than 30mins and I never go to the gym.
Hopefully you can tell from the pic above – it works!
Aaaaand THAT is why I created The MAX Experience.
To help other BUSY woman do the same.
Each workout is only 10mins and perfect for fitting around swamped schedules.
But it’s sooo much more than just short, sculpting workouts.
It’s a community of busy women who want motivation, support and accountability to make POSITIVE change to their lives without stepping foot in a gym.
If you’d like to see how The MAX Experience can change YOUR life:
You can pre-register here:
Pre-Registration closes Sun 10th Dec @ 10pm (tomorrow!)
Or until SOLD OUT (pretty close).
If you want to secure yourself a place, get 50% off and gain VIP access.
Hit that button quick.
Lee ‘never felt better’ Donald x
Facebook – Lee Donald Personal Training
Twitter @ LeeDonaldElite
Instagram – LeeDonald
Pinterest – LeeDonald LDPT
Youtube – Lee Donald Personal Training