On average, us Brits consume up to 200 teaspoons of sugar per WEEK!
That’s a SERIOUSLY tragic sugar addiction!
Yet we wonder why our waistbands are EXPANDING and why our kids are running around ‘hyper’ like they’re on DRUGS these days…in a way they are.
Whether you believe sugar is MORE addictive than cocaine or tobacco, you can’t deny it has one heck of a hold on people.
Infact BEFORE my wife was pregnant she was always Mrs. Savoury.
You know, that annoying one who wants to order a cheese board for pudding when you want to half the calories and SHARE a sticky toffee pudding!
Anyway, after getting sweet cravings while pregnant and chomping on endless amount of chocolate cake, biscuits and pretty much ANYTHING sweet,
Now my beautiful daughter is almost 5 months, my wife STILL has this ‘sweet tooth’.
Coincidence or addiction??
Oh sugar, sugar, SUGAR – it’s always a hot topic.
But rather than just telling you ‘it’s bad’ here’s a basic little breakdown:
*When you eat sugar, a FAT-STORING hormone called INSULIN is released into your digestive tract.
*Insulin grabs hold of this sugar and stores it as energy and then the excess is stuffed into your fat cells in all of those lovely places like your BELLY!
*Your blood sugar levels then drop causing MORE HUNGER and CRAVINGS.
*Then guess what, the vicious cycle starts again.
*When INSULIN is present, the hormone glucagon – which is responsible for burning bodyfat is ‘SWITCHED OFF’.
*HIGH insulin levels therefore will make it impossible for you to release belly fat!
Alcohol, fizzy juice, fruit juice, Starbucks, energy drinks, biscuits, chocolate, sweets, condiments, jams, bakery, dried fruit, fast food, fruit in canned syrup, cereals, ice cream, milkshakes, ready-made meals, yoghurts…
There’s sugar sneakily hidden in SOOOO much food people consume on a DAILY basis!!
So should you NEVER eat any of this stuff again??
That’s not very realistic and hey, we ALL like abit of that and that now and again, but…
Here’s 6 simple tips to cut DOWN your sugar intake and speed UP your fatloss and SRHINK your waistline:
1. Limit fruit to 2-3 pieces a day.
Although natural, fruit STILL has sugar.
A banana at breakfast, fruit medley mid morning, tangerine at lunch, punnet of strawberries in the afternoon followed by an apple in the evening can soon add up.
Obviously, if you crave something sweet having an extra piece of fruit is a lot better than munching on a Mars Bar.
2. Be wary of ‘low fat’ labels.
Low fat usually = chemical sh*t storm and a HIGHER added sugar content to make up for lost flavor and texture.
There are only a few exceptions to this rule such as cheese and natural yoghurt.
3. Avoid energy drinks, fizzy drinks, fruit juices, sweetened waters & cordial (limit alcohol!)
Don’t DRINK your calories.
This is a really SIMPLE way to cut down on your sugar intake.
Tip – dilute fruit juice with water to cut down the sugar content.
4. Avoid processed, package prepared foods & fast foods.
Eat NATURAL, whole foods, loading up on unlimited veggies.
Plan, plan PLAN so you’re prepared and don’t impulse eat.
You don’t need the culinary skills of Jamie Oliver to cook and eat healthy.
5. Limit condiments.
If you NEED ketchup with your eggs (which I do) use it sparingly!
I’m also a big fan of swapping things like mayo / sour cream for low fat cottage cheese and natural yoghurt.
You can also try switching pre-made salad dressings for balsamic vinegar, a dash of extra virgin olive oil, oregano and ground black pepper – my personal fave.
6. If you can’t resist something sweet, have a 10 min HIT workout first.
It may KILL your craving plus your body will be able to make better use of the sugar post workout.
If you missed or haven’t done the FREE ‘Sizzling Sexy September’ workout I filmed for you last week,
Grab it here:
For just 1 day look at the sugar content as well as ingredients of EVERYTHING you eat and drink (paying attention to any artificial sweeteners).
Even better – LOG IT (you may get a shock!)
More than 22.5g of total sugars per 100g = HIGH
5g of total sugars or less per 100g = LOW.
If the amount of sugars per 100g is between these figures, that = MEDIUM.
More than 30g of added sugar per day = TOO MUCH!!
If you try this for 7 days including the w/e (especially the w/e!) and you’ll know exactly HOW much sugar you’re consuming on a daily/weekly basis.
Still not able to shift that jelly belly? – You may just find out why!!
If you struggle with what to eat and need HELP to shift that excess weight…
Click below to see how I can help you:
Lee ‘no added sugar’ Donald x
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