Happy Monday and welcome to the beginning of a FABULOUS 5 weeks of sweat and success.
The ‘Feel Good Feb’ Challenge has officially started!!
If you missed the juicy details and why you’d be CRAZY not to be part of it.
Click here
So let’s kick off by asking you a few questions.
WHEN was the last time you:
1. Missed a doctors appointment?
2. Forgot your hair/nail appointment?
3. Forgot your friend’s party?
Stab in the dark – I’m going to say you’re struggling to remember.
Because that sh*t’s important to you, it’s a PRIORITY and I bet you wrote down a reminder…
In your diary or phone along with all your other appointments and meetings you DON’T want to miss.
So here’s another question.
When was the last time missed a workout?
I suspect that’s NOT such a struggle to remember : )
My point is…
When we write stuff down it’s MUCH more likely to get remembered and done.
Yes going to the docs to FEEL better is important, as is going to the hairdressers to LOOK better and boost your self esteem but,
So is REGULAR exercise.
As soon as you make your workouts a PRIORITY, I guarantee you’ll start seeing and feeling so many positive changes you’ll wonder why you didn’t do this SOONER.
Cue Goal No.1 of ‘The Feel Good Feb’ Challenge.
Click here if you missed it:
If you haven’t already done this, it’s so easy, so simple yet SO effective.
Get your diary / phone out and write down the days / times you’re going to workout and BOOM.
You just hit your 1st goal of Feel Good Feb!!
Obviously following through and doing those workouts are essential but writing it down will seriously improving your success rate.
For all those who don’t have a Step for the Feel Good Feb Challenge,
Check this out.
Aldi, Aberdeen (off the Murdos roundabout) – £11.99 – Bargain!!
It’s not a massive step but if you’re just starting out this is perfect and a GREAT investment.
Lee ‘keeping it simple’ Donald x
Facebook – Lee Donald Personal Training
Twitter @ LeeDonaldElite
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